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Parent Teacher Board

Every parent at St. Brendan School is a member of the Parent Club.  This is an organization whose purpose is to maintain strong relationships among the parent community and assist the Principal and faculty with necessities and extras that enhance the overall educational experience for the children.  Operating within the Club, there is an overseeing Parent Teacher Board.  The Board serves to make certain that these activities and procedures are conceived and executed successfully. 


Parent Teacher Board committees not only fundraise with annual events such as the Christmas Craft Fair, the Spring Gala and the Fun Run, but also host community-building events like Movie Night, Bingo Night and an End of Year Party. Additionally, committees help run the day-to-day school programs such as the hot lunch program, playground supervision and car line duty to name a few.


For more information, contact


2024-2025 Executive Board


President: Betsy Cooper

Vice President: Nicola Butler

Past President: Carly Allevato

Treasurer: Sarah Klein 

Communications: Christina Fiedler 


2024-2025 Parent Teacher Board Standing Committees


  • Athletics: Carly Allevato & Sabrina Kim

  • Booster Club: Jeff Cooper & Ana Fuentes

  • Christmas Craft Fair: Lisa Fedak & Betsy Gebauer

  • Community Events: Caroline Chiles & Katherine Leist

  • Community Service: Elisha Hall

  • Cultural Events: Aurelia Boyle & Lindsay Park

  • Extra Curricular Activities: Katie Sy-Uy

  • Family Pledge: Jill Ross

  • Graphic Design & Marketing: Martina Nemoianu & Michelle Sauer

  • Head Room Parent (TK-4): Claudia Franck

  • Head Room Parent (5-8): Rinat Vargas

  • Health: Jaii Chung & Autumn Lee

  • Hospitality: Tisha Castillo, Karen Moon & Anne Wilner

  • Hot Diggity Dog: Johnny DeRosas & Lisa Im

  • Hot Lunch: Tiffany Choi & Jin Hyun 

  • Larchmont Fair: Michelle Kim & Vivian Kim

  • Library/Book Fair: Mariana Kang & Kathy Styffe

  • Merchandise: Bora Chon & Joyce Kim

  • Scouts: Jackie Miron

  • Social Media: Kim Jones

  • Special Fundraisers: Jean Lim & Tritia Silanoe

  • Special Lunches: Greg Cherry & Mylah Tapusoa

  • Spring Fundraiser: Megan Mehren & Olivia Scott

  • Traffic Safety/Car-Line: Tae Kim & Chris Montante

  • Used Uniforms: Isabelle Abdelshehid & Maria Chomko

  • Wish List Party: Shelby Forn & Genny Nevoso

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